martedì 13 maggio 2014

21 Problems All Sarcastic People Will Understand

3. You have to tell people when you’re being serious, because they’re so used to you making jokes.
4. And since your default is sarcasm, you have a hard time turning it off when others need you to.
7. It takes a LOT to get you excited.
9. Saying something sarcastic makes you feel better immediately afterward, even if the person you’re talking to doesn’t get it.
10. You’ve had to say the words, “I’m just kidding,” at least once a week.
11. In fact, you’ve learned the hard way that ending thoughts with “Just kidding!” is probably the safest thing to do.
17. People immediately know how you feel about something, whether you want them to or not.
19. When you meet someone who isn’t sarcastic, it kind of feels like talking to a baby.
20. Sometimes you worry that you’re the only one who thinks you’re funny…
21. But actually, the real problem, is that you’re the funniest person in the whole damn room.

Il punto 21 andrebbe messo in cima a tutto!!!